
Ciate Twilight

This is one of those polishes that I've had in my hands so many times, but just never picked up because the swatches on internet didn't look that great to me. Or maybe that's not the right way to put it, they just looked dissapointing after looking at the polish in the bottle.

But Saturday I got lucky. I was shopping with a friend and she had naked nails, so I immediatly slapped this on and was blown away!

Ciate Twilight is a black polish with an abundance of golden tiny glass flecks in it, which almost turn this polish into a deep, dark olive green. The bottle is almost as nice as the color, so sophisticated and classy.

The formula was so so nice, 2 coats to get opaque and it dried really fast and glossy. The brush is nice and because of the long handle, very easy to handle. I love it and will definitely be buying more of these polishes. The only problem I had with it, is getting my fingers wrapped around it in such a way that I could take a picture and have the polish still look the way it does in person...

Do you own any Ciate polishes and what are your recommendations?



  1. What a a beautiful colour, I love the flecks...and that bow is adorable! I don't have an Ciate, I will have to keep my eyes open ;)

    1. They have some nice colors and the formula is really nice!
