
Pipe Dream Polish #mcspiration

I was browsing the internet, Instagram and youtube as I like to do on a quiet Sunday morning and came across a picture of this polish. It was so gorgeous , I knew I had to have it! I went to the Pipe Dream website and of course... they don't ship internationally. So the first thing I did was hop on to my favorite indie nail polish seller, MeiMeiSignatures and low and behold... they had it! In my cart it went, with another polish and a top coat. I can't have a polish travel all that way alone, that would be cruel.

Pipe Dream Polish #Mcspiration is a medium grey polish with small black and hot pink glitters. I think the glitters are matte, but I can't really tell to be honest.

This polish is the non thermal version of Mcpolish Awesomesauce, but I have to admit I like it better this way. I don't care much for the warm color (I think it's warm, I mean the light color) of that polish and this is just medium grey gorgeousness.
The formula was really nice, it's easy to paint and the glitter lays nice and flat on the nail. This was a very opaque polish, I only needed 2 thin coats and it dried fast enough. I did decide to add a layer of topcoat, because the finish was a little less shiny than I like.

Isn't that pretty? I love a grey mani and the pink gives it a nice pop of color. I love this color and would wear it all year round, but I think most people would consider this more of a Fall or Winter polish.

This is the first Pipe Dream Polish I've tried and it left me wanting more. I already spotted several other polishes I'd like to add to my collection.
Have you heard of this brand before and if so, what is your favorite polish?



  1. Zo hehe, kan eindelijk even de foto's op normaal formaat bekijken. In het zonnetje zag ik het niet zo goed, haha. Wat een aparte kleur, maar vind 'm wel heel erg gaaf! Hele mooie kleur grijs ook!

    1. Het is echt precies de juiste tint grijs met net een hint kleur.
      Ik ben er echt weg van!

  2. Grijs en roze is zo'n leuke combinatie en dat zwart staat er ook super bij. Erg gave lak!

    1. Dank je, door de kleurcombinatie moest ik hem gewoon hebben.

  3. This looks great on you! And yes...I think she picked the perfect shade of grey for the non-thermal version :)
